Release libnice 0.0.12


Libnice 0.0.12 has just been released.. It’s not a very important release as it doesn’t add any substantial feature, but it does fix a few nasty bugs, so it’s recommended to update.

The important thing to note is that recently ICE has been standardized and is now known as RFC 5245! This is great news as it means that the spec will stop changing (it actually became stable at draft 19, so we were already safe).

The same thing happened to TURN, which has been standardized as RFC 5766. TURN has been changing a lot lately, so having it as a finalized standard is very good news.

In this release, libnice  has now a NICE_COMPATIBILITY_RFC5245 which should be used instead of the compatibility mode NICE_COMPATIBILITY_DRAFT19. Although the old code should still work since I kept the DRAFT19 symbol for legacy reasons.

The problem now is with TURN.  I never had time to upgrade TURN from the last draft that I implemented (draft 9) and since the specs of TURN kept changing, I didn’t want (nor had time) to keep updating it to meet the spec changes. So the new libnice is compatible with RFC5245 but it doesn’t support the TURN 5766 draft yet. Hopefully, the next release will be compatible with TURN RFC 5766.

If someone wants to contribute to libnice, then implementing the changes to TURN to upgrade it from draft 9 to RFC 5766 would be the first step! Let me know if you want to help.


2 thoughts on “Release libnice 0.0.12

  1. Pingback: Release libnice 0.0.12KaKaRoTo’s Blog |

  2. Pingback: Release libnice 0.0.13 « KaKaRoTo's Blog

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