Clarifications about 3.73 (and 4.0) “jailbreak”

I tested the jailbreak on the latest firmware 4.0 since it was released and I can confirm that it still works.

Hi all,

I’ve been flooded with questions on twitter and I’ve read many posts on news sites and  I’ve seen some stuff being said on IRC and I thought I needed to clarify a few things…

First of all, I didn’t expect to see my tweet front paged on all ps3 hacking news sites.. although I should have expected it.. but anyways, the “jailbreak” is not ready to be used, at all. I only tweeted that because I was excited having it working and I wanted to share my excitement with everyone. But this is a bit equivalent to the day I released that script that created the very first CFW/MFW but it still took a couple of months before a real, easy, multiplatform and fully fledged solution was released : PS3MFW.

We are currently at the same state, I have the proof of concept, it works, but a solution that anyone can use where they just click a button and their PS3 gets jailbroken is still far from ready.

I’ve seen people say (and even write it in their front page news) that I’ll release it in two weeks after I come back from vacation. That is not true and I never said that. What I said was that for the next 2 weeks, the project is on hold until I get back.. but when I get back, then I will continue working on it, and it will then take some more time before it’s ready and released.

Some asked if it’s based on what gitbrew was doing/suggesting or if I used someone else’s exploit or work. No, this solution is my own idea and 100% my own implementation. However, the actual solution for the full jailbreak involves some components on which I will not work, and I expect/hope that someone else will provide the solution for that.

Some speculated it might be what I spoke about back in March which I later said I wasn’t pursuing by lack of motivation.. and yes, you are right. The same hack I had in March is still valid today, I told a few people about it (rms, Mathieulh, an0nym0us, and a couple more), but no one was interested in pursuing it further and actually exploiting that flaw (mainly because it requires a huge amount of work to get a proof of concept working). 10 days ago (I started on the 11th), I got bored and decided to start poking at it again, and yesterday (a lot faster than I thought it would take), I got my first pkg installed on 3.73 firmware.

On twitter, I said “do not update if you are on 3.55”, I said that in response to someone who said he would update.  Because of that, people speculated that you need to be on 3.55 first, and then install something before doing the upgrade. No, that’s not it, that would be useless. The purpose of my solution is to jailbreak a ps3 that is already on 3.73 firmware and which had never been jailbroken before. I told people not to update because, first of all, it’s not yet ready, and second of all, the 3.55 firmware gives you a lot more possibilities than what can be achieved on 3.73.

So what is this jailbreak? I won’t say because I don’t want Sony to block it in a firmware update (and yes, they potentially could) before it’s even released (and yes, I will release it when it’s ready). But I will explain this to you : in order to run your homebrew apps, you need two things. First, to be able to install them on the ps3, and second to be able to run it once installed. I did only one of these two things.

Some may say it’s not a real jailbreak, but the way I see it, there are three ‘jails’ on the ps3, I broke the first one which prevents you from installing anything, so now you can install your .pkg, great, but it won’t run, that’s the second jail. The third jail is being able to modify the firmware (peek&poke).

The second jail (running apps) is something that can be done, but it’s not my area of expertise (npdrm algo), so I will not be working on that. I am waiting for someone else to achieve it (some have succeeded but do not wish to release it, at least not for now) then I will release.

The third jail (modifying the firmware) is not possible with my method, this means that you will  not have a “CFW”, you will run your homebrew applications and games on an official firmware. This also means that without peek&poke support, none of the backup managers will work. So, again, my solution is piracy-free, and as always, I do not plan on working on a way to enable piracy (or even legal backups).

Overall, the purpose will be to allow people who are on 3.73 firmware to enjoy the homebrew games that were released, to play a bit with Eskiss, and to use Showtime for playing their movies. This should be more than enough for everyone.

Finally, I will conclude by replying to another question I received : Do you accept donations? The answer is yes. I do accept donations but I do not seek them out. I will include a donate button to the bottom of this post, so if anyone wishes to donate, they can do so, however, I want to make it clear that whether or not you donate does not and will not affect in any way, the release, or the progress of the work I’m doing. If you donate, you would do it as a sign of appreciation of my efforts, and not in exchange of any favors or anything crazy like that.

That’s about it I think… If you have any more questions, please refrain from asking them, I get enough as it is already.. I also said everything I needed to say and I don’t want to give any more information than that (for now).


435 thoughts on “Clarifications about 3.73 (and 4.0) “jailbreak”

  1. Pingback: kAkaratoKs Jailbreak on 3.73 [UPDATED]

    • loool didint u read he said it wont lead to a CFW but simply a firmware where you can only sign packages nothing related to peek and poke 😛

  2. “…Overall, the purpose will be to allow people who are on 3.73 firmware to enjoy the homebrew games that were released, to play a bit with Eskiss, and to use Showtime for playing their movies. This should be more than enough for everyone…”

    Okay, with that and we can play games downloaded from internet?

    P.D.: your are my hero

  3. Kakarot’s good words, kmeaw respect them, and thanked the cfw355kmw during installation, you say that without the peekpoke, no backup-play will be possible, is the resources of peekpoke in the 3.73?. Or was the end of peekpoke in 3.55?

  4. Damn dude your a beast. Looking forward to the release now I’ve got to things to look into developing a Siri port for idevices and this. BRAVO! *claps*

  5. Hi kakaroto, first of all my English is not the most perfect .. lol.

    Well, good to clarify that the assumption that 3.73 cfw, then what you are working is only enable homebrew on 3.73 OFW or am I wrong.

    Well, I hope all goes well and you reach your goal, but also hope to be helpful to test software, and perhaps there arises the cfw 3.56 + both want,
    but when people demand therefore, being that this hacking is completely voluntary and not an obligation, I encourage you to follow begin to disappear.

    I hope to be helpful once the scene of ps3. And ahead with the project!

    A k4woru greeting.

  6. it will be (i think) a dsn/proxy(maybe rebuild a fake sony patch server) redirect to download the custom pkg(any homebrew app) which is npdrm signed, which he still needs to work on to get the npdrm algo ….cant think of a other method :/

  7. Pingback: Jailbreak v3.73 may be heading to a PS3 near you (Update: v3.73 jailbreak clarifications from KaKaRoTo) | JailbreakScene

  8. my tip: Scroll to the top, read. Scroll again, read. finally, scroll a last time back to the top, read. if you still do not understand what he is working on, CTRL+F4 – get yourself a shotgun – taste it.

  9. Hi Kakaroto. Let me ask you only one question. Will this technique work on new PS3s (CECH-3XXX and above)?

  10. Pingback: [Update] Clarifications about 3.73 “jailbreak” | 1337 Mods

  11. first of all I want to thank you for thinking of users so far have not been able to enjoy the main titles for not having a memorable version 3.55
    The information you’ve shared today on a beam of lus in the dark
    thanks for your work friend

  12. Thanks from Italy for your study….if You want i can translate your post in Italian on my blog for ps3 Italian users and i can give You an hand with the donations…give me a reply if You want ! Good work!

  13. Hey Kakaroto THANK YOU FOR ALL !!!
    Please stop hearing the WHINING and UNGRATEFUL people !!

    Most of us SUPPORT YOU !!
    We are with you !!

    Cheers !

  14. thanks for all the hard work, there is something i would like to clarify though, by gaining access to 3.73 will it now be possible to see PSN new authentication method to create a new PSN BYPASS for 3.55 CFW users? in theory if we are able to run applications on 3.73 it should be possible to identify

  15. Kakaroto, First thank you for all your hard work. Second genius keep working on v3.73 jailbreak, do what you can the rest will come out with the time! Again thank you and stop hearing UNGRATEFUL people!!

    • Scommetto che sei così trasgressivo che per far ridere le persone ti infileresti un casco di banane (tanto ce n’è di spazio lì da te) su per il culo e ci andresti pure girando.

  16. I am looking forward to the explanation of the exploit. Very interesting stuff!

    Thank you for you efforts! It is impressive that you keep on working even tough the ps3 scene is not even partly as active as the wii scene.

  17. Nice work fella. Interested to know the implementation details if it ever becomes safe to do so without the risk of it being patched out.

    I apologise for the question, as you say you’re getting enough of them already.. But I’m intrigued when you say that 3.55 give a lot more possibilities than what can be achieved on 3.73. Can you elaborate?

    Obviously the draw to 3.73 is to be able to run some of the more recent titles, but what can be achieved on 3.55 CFW that couldn’t be achieved on a broken 3.73 (aside from peek/poke) ?

    Thanks muchly. You’ve revived my interest in developing once more.

    • Good question so I’ll answer it (although it can be understood from the post).
      3.55 has all 3 jails broken, 3.73 would only have 2 of them broken (as mentioned in the post).
      That’s why 3.55 is superior.. you have peek&poke on 3.55 which means backup managers, qa flagging, otheros++, emulators, etc.. are working on 3.55 but will not work on 3.73. That’s the difference.

      • When you say 3.73 won’t have peek and poke is it because there’s no possible way with this exploit or because it’s not your goal but it’s doable?

        By the way, great job, the most concrete news in the scene at the moment and glad you’ll share it…

  18. Pingback: KaKaRoTo announces (Posible) jailbreak for 3.73 « PS3RLS

  19. Hello, Kakaroto
    I just want to thank you for the effort expended and knowledge in this daring project, thanks to you, I will now be possible to use the emulators in high resolution 3.73 on my PS3, sorry can not make a donation, I am very poor, but I’m very grateful!
    “and forget the haters, they do not speak for us, haters are penetrated, and viruses in our society”
    Thank you very much Kakaroto

  20. You made your blog alife .But me waiting for it soo that I will not update ever .Im waitin you to finish also happpy to have you back KaKaRoTo’ thanks for all.

  21. Parabéns Kakaroto, é o Brasil inteiro torcendo por você neste novo firmware 3.73. Lembrando que aqui no Brasil, na maioria dos sites de jogos e tecnologia citam seu nome e ainda o elevam como se fosse um Rei. Mais um vez os meus parabéns e força nesta jornada.

    • Boa, véi! É isso aí, Brasil em cena…devíamos ter uma equipe brasileira na empreitada pra ajudar o grande Kakaroto!

      • Verdade! Sou até formado na área, porem nem tenho ideia por onde eles começam.

  22. Pingback: Anonymous

  23. the actual peek & poke will not run but maybe someone will find something else after you release it…

  24. hi,
    i have a question:
    your work can’t launch backup or piracy and it’s not your will.
    but my question is: is someone can do this work based on your work ?
    [launch backup, psn, cheat online etc…]
    because some people says: no, no ! no one can do that based on your work.

    final question: why don’t you want sony block your jailbreak ? because, if no one upgrade his system, it doesn’t matter if sony block or not your jailbreak.

    congratulation anyway for your job, we talk about you everywhere on the world 🙂

  25. KaKaRoTo
    good work, but i can install too .pkg files i want on OFW 3.73
    probably by a worst way but, i can.
    You’re very intelligent, working in a method that can install and launch .pkg files and not working in a CFW which take more time and is more difficult.
    my question is:
    You are doing that for that work in all future versions of the PS3 that can be released, right?

  26. very nice ! all i wanted for te PS3 is using FTP on 3.73 ! keep on hacking and developing aMSN !!

  27. Tbark lah 3lik amigo The ps3 scene is shifting towards a new wave of CFWs thanks to your hard work !

    Thank you for the efforts and energy !
    Cheers from Morocco 😀

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