I tested the jailbreak on the latest firmware 4.0 since it was released and I can confirm that it still works.
Hi all,
I’ve been flooded with questions on twitter and I’ve read many posts on news sites and I’ve seen some stuff being said on IRC and I thought I needed to clarify a few things…
First of all, I didn’t expect to see my tweet front paged on all ps3 hacking news sites.. although I should have expected it.. but anyways, the “jailbreak” is not ready to be used, at all. I only tweeted that because I was excited having it working and I wanted to share my excitement with everyone. But this is a bit equivalent to the day I released that create_cfw.sh script that created the very first CFW/MFW but it still took a couple of months before a real, easy, multiplatform and fully fledged solution was released : PS3MFW.
We are currently at the same state, I have the proof of concept, it works, but a solution that anyone can use where they just click a button and their PS3 gets jailbroken is still far from ready.
I’ve seen people say (and even write it in their front page news) that I’ll release it in two weeks after I come back from vacation. That is not true and I never said that. What I said was that for the next 2 weeks, the project is on hold until I get back.. but when I get back, then I will continue working on it, and it will then take some more time before it’s ready and released.
Some asked if it’s based on what gitbrew was doing/suggesting or if I used someone else’s exploit or work. No, this solution is my own idea and 100% my own implementation. However, the actual solution for the full jailbreak involves some components on which I will not work, and I expect/hope that someone else will provide the solution for that.
Some speculated it might be what I spoke about back in March which I later said I wasn’t pursuing by lack of motivation.. and yes, you are right. The same hack I had in March is still valid today, I told a few people about it (rms, Mathieulh, an0nym0us, and a couple more), but no one was interested in pursuing it further and actually exploiting that flaw (mainly because it requires a huge amount of work to get a proof of concept working). 10 days ago (I started on the 11th), I got bored and decided to start poking at it again, and yesterday (a lot faster than I thought it would take), I got my first pkg installed on 3.73 firmware.
On twitter, I said “do not update if you are on 3.55”, I said that in response to someone who said he would update. Because of that, people speculated that you need to be on 3.55 first, and then install something before doing the upgrade. No, that’s not it, that would be useless. The purpose of my solution is to jailbreak a ps3 that is already on 3.73 firmware and which had never been jailbroken before. I told people not to update because, first of all, it’s not yet ready, and second of all, the 3.55 firmware gives you a lot more possibilities than what can be achieved on 3.73.
So what is this jailbreak? I won’t say because I don’t want Sony to block it in a firmware update (and yes, they potentially could) before it’s even released (and yes, I will release it when it’s ready). But I will explain this to you : in order to run your homebrew apps, you need two things. First, to be able to install them on the ps3, and second to be able to run it once installed. I did only one of these two things.
Some may say it’s not a real jailbreak, but the way I see it, there are three ‘jails’ on the ps3, I broke the first one which prevents you from installing anything, so now you can install your .pkg, great, but it won’t run, that’s the second jail. The third jail is being able to modify the firmware (peek&poke).
The second jail (running apps) is something that can be done, but it’s not my area of expertise (npdrm algo), so I will not be working on that. I am waiting for someone else to achieve it (some have succeeded but do not wish to release it, at least not for now) then I will release.
The third jail (modifying the firmware) is not possible with my method, this means that you will not have a “CFW”, you will run your homebrew applications and games on an official firmware. This also means that without peek&poke support, none of the backup managers will work. So, again, my solution is piracy-free, and as always, I do not plan on working on a way to enable piracy (or even legal backups).
Overall, the purpose will be to allow people who are on 3.73 firmware to enjoy the homebrew games that were released, to play a bit with Eskiss, and to use Showtime for playing their movies. This should be more than enough for everyone.
Finally, I will conclude by replying to another question I received : Do you accept donations? The answer is yes. I do accept donations but I do not seek them out. I will include a donate button to the bottom of this post, so if anyone wishes to donate, they can do so, however, I want to make it clear that whether or not you donate does not and will not affect in any way, the release, or the progress of the work I’m doing. If you donate, you would do it as a sign of appreciation of my efforts, and not in exchange of any favors or anything crazy like that.
That’s about it I think… If you have any more questions, please refrain from asking them, I get enough as it is already.. I also said everything I needed to say and I don’t want to give any more information than that (for now).
first i want to say thank you for all the work time and effort you put in this
second let the haters hate and be what they want
i know it’s hard but you have to read between the lines and you’ll see that
lot’s of us support you math or any known dev
good thing real caring people started to bash the haters on forums
so the devs get the respect they should get
thank you
hi Kakarot okay guy, I’m a adimirador of their work
I have a PS3 was already 3:55 now 3.73 to actualize the games are expensive
did not want to sell my ps3 and more difficult because the games are expensive
WHAT do you think I’ll have to wait muinto, or seeing?
I am Brazilian earned a hug!!!
voce e 10 cara um abraço tudo de bom!!!
I appreciate your effort to the scene, although some people do not have enough patience to wait and are complaining for no reason, but I wanted to ask a question if you think the scene today, could be better? and why?
good luck …..
I think the scene is ok, but not enough people interested in it. I think the biggest issue is that most devs that could help are actually on the latest firmware and are stuck.
It’s still a very young scene, I’m sure it will improve with time.
thank you Kakaroto. it reminds me of the times of psp.
This is really a bit unfair on those of us who actually supported and respected him. But what can we do, the decision is all up to him. And maybe if he releases it, the haters could stop. After all, i bet you that all the haters are from XBOX just like Mac and Windows haters, iPhone and Android etc etc… My advise to Math is…
Dont let anyone get in your way. ESPECIALLY HATERS!
Yes,it’s unfair, it’s also unfair to us other developers who will just end up wasting our time doing the same thing again, but not only is it his choice, but also, he hasn’t decided yet, he’s still thinking about whether to share it or not.
well then the decision is to him alone. I hope he sees more than what those hating faggots say and ruin it for the rest all of us 🙁
Yeah im stuck if your method was released id have a better chance math theese people dont know how it is to have somthing ripped off. kakaroto glad to see your still helping us and appreciate everything .
p.s. tell math please free us his work is greatly needed to. the scene was young then they know better now
Hello guys, I just wanted to tell you that first of all congratulations for the work you do for us for free, unfortunately there are many people around who knows only an ignorant insult and offend, but you do not have to listen to them. if you can and you should ignore, ban but morally speaking, let them bastards lose, think of yourself and know that many people including me esteems you for what you do and remains hopeful, especially because we follow the scene since she was born ps3, then the first steps:)
I recommend that you continue your work guys we are with you.
They Nikola87 of PS3-World and I write from Italy, hello guys!
well first thing i want to say is fuck all you haters!this guy is spending time on something for all of us,working without pay(correct me if im wrong)so you can have fun?plus,releasing this isnt an easy thing to do im sure you all heard of george and what happened to him.now if you want to hate someone go hate someone who is worthy of it.
respect to you and Mathieulh.
Cara, eu sou brasileiro também, e acho que o KaKaRoTo não fala português. Ele já falou que está trabalhando no CFW 3.72/4.00, então não adianta perguntar. A nós, só resta esperar.
Please, just ignore comments like the one from Australia. They really don’t know what they’re talking about. They’re just a bunch of f*ing trolls.
Ok, I wanted to know if there is any CFW 4.00 available? ‘Cause I’ve seen this one: (http://www.ps3-cfw.com/ps3-jailbreak-4-00-unlock-download/) but I really don’t think that’s the real deal. I think it’s just a scam. What do you think, KaKaRoTo?
Dear Kakaroto, and any other devs that may be reading this:
First off, I like to get this out of my system. I absolutely *LOVE* you guys, for your work, and abilities. As a novice programmer, and a student at a community college, in my local county going for computer science, I’d like to say I love to see your guys’ work. Whether it’s just a teaser to make me try to do it myself, or a fully working release, I love being able to use and enjoy your work. But what I love even more is when you post technical details of how your hacks and exploits work. But most of all, I am content with what I get, no matter what it is. I respect not just you Kakaroto, but all the devs out there. With out you guys, we would just be playing out silly little video games on our console instead of running our homebrew and most importantly understanding how our systems work. I thank-you guys, all of you, for that. Lastly, I want to say, I’d love to buy all you guys a drink if we ever meet, just one catch, I don’t drink alcohol, mostly because I’m underage in my country, so I’d prefer fountain soda, and maybe a burger or two… whatever. My point is, simply, I thank you all, especially you Kakaroto for your recent findings, for all the work you do, and I want you to know that, for all the nasty people out there shunning your work, there’s twice as many people out there who love it, even if they’re to shy to say so.
I await a reply, from you Kakaroto, or any other dev who wants to chime in, to let me know you read this, and that I feel content in what I just wrote.
Thanks from a shy programmer,
I’ve read you, and it was a beautiful comment, thank you 🙂
I know you won’t like to read this but here I go: If the devs want love, they should release first, and then talk about how the did it later. That’s why Mathieulh receives so many hate. It’s like the little kid that has more expensive toys than the other kids have. I actually agree Mathieulh should receive the hate he’s getting, and even more. Even if it means this scene will never walk forward.
If Mathieulh were a kind of guy that first shares and then discuss, he would be so highly respected that the PS3 Scene would be called Mathieulh Scene or something. Too bad he’s just a stupid fucking asshole that deserves to get shot.
Calm down, Scorpius! That’s the kind of thing that makes them not wanting to release stuff. Just be a little patient, I’m sure that soon enough they’ll make us happy.
No need for hate. You should apologize for what you’ve said.
Well I’m not, and I couldn’t care less if people can play their games or not. Being a developer myself seeing other developers bragging at what they have but don’t share sucks way too much. In the other scenes I’ve been, I have always shared first. Then I’d discuss about it. And guess what? Nobody hated me. They were actually thankful because my work was used by others for bigger works, that ended up in something for everybody to use. Guys like Mathieulh don’t help the scene, actually hurt the scene and way too much. Nobody wants to work in the PS3 scene anymore just because of him.
if people would just be nice in the first place we would of had it lv0 is tricky and not for noobs and the noobs blasted him for saying look what i can do fuck that shit thats ignorant and a liltle arrogant math is a skilled pro at ps3 scorpius ive never heard of you but you exist they said his breakself was a trick highly dought its just leave it to the noobs to say shits fake cuz they dont know how to do it im stuck betwee n a rock in a hard place with it he aint math you rock kakaroto you rock noobs suck
You see, it’s people like you who make the PS3 scene shit
I wish i was a dev so I can tell you shut the f**k up. They don’t need to share sh*t. You want to know how its done? Do your own research you ungrateful troll.
And that’s exactly the right attitude to make this scene disappear: All devs working in the same thing, when somebody does it, he left the scene. Every dev reinventing the wheel again and again and when they have it, they just tweet pictures of it.
And that’s the attitude that killed the PS3 Scene and you are so dumb you can’t even realize it.
@Scorpius, I would like to respectfully ask you to GTFO of my blog and leave your hate for yourself. noone needs to hear from people like you.
I know I’m probably a total newb to this, and you can tell me I suck and all of that but I think I may be onto something.
I know that the PS3 and PSP are completely different in terms of f0 and all that, but there might be one thing similar.
On the PSP, (I think) you could change the OFW update files, for instance, instead of showing that it is the original 1.23 update data, you could change the file to say somthing lower and downgrade to it.
So can we do that for the 3.55 Update data, and make the system think that it is 4.00 update data?
Thanks for reading.
still need private keys to cfw the nand wont except and its a chance that would brick what we need is a time machine for the ps3 and push it back but is that possible do old flash stay on the nor or nand chip? thats the real ?ive tried to find it out but have no hardware i need a progskeet
Then why don’t we just do one for the PS3 slim?
I think that’s what you just said.
no the nand /nor chip holds the firmware along with whats on the hdd a time machine would work but if the nand holds previous firmware info im sure we could downgrade if a tm was made i dont have a progskeet or i would try and build the program already long story short cant trick the nand the hard drive info yes but the nand is what needs to be done to actualy downgrade but thats why theres no downgrader for higher levels cuz ps locked up nand
besides a nor flash tool
I see. Thanks!
Thanks for all your efforts! Wouldn’t mind paying for games but I refuse to let go of showtime, roms, and the possibility of more homebrew. I hope the scene can have a change of heart and respect you guys more. It’s painful to browse the hacking boards, I’ve never seen so many people be in possession of so many videogames and homebrew who find it necassary to need more.
Hey, keep up the good work kakarot.
On the Math issue. I dont believe he deserves being treated the way he does but I feel that he brought it on himself. The majority of the hate are from trolls, and that’s a small percentage. I’m sure the majority of the scene are grateful for his work, I know I am. But the thing is, the ones that are grateful are the silent ones and patient ones. There are the few who speak up against the hate towards Math but it doesn’t get anywhere, because when you argue with an idiot they just bring u down to their level and beat u with experience.
Thats how I feel Math brought it on himself, by arguing with idiots. He has the right to defend himself and his work but he really shouldn’t have. Thats when he started to lose the respect because he got down to their level. And he makes it worst by teasing the scene.
Seriously though, why does he still give the trolls the attention. He’s only feeding them and escalating the already bad situation. Remember the grateful ones are the silent ones and It’s usually the idiots who make the most noise. He should just let it go because there’s no way he’s gonna get any closure from this mess.
Hi kakaroto I give you 50 cents enjoy it!
You da MAN!
Dear Mathieulh, if you are reading this;
Please don’t listen to the haters. You’ve had enough of they’re haterade, and quite honestly they’re shoving it down your throat. Listening to what they say only builds the fire. Just listen to the good things that people have to say about your awesome works on the PS3 scene. I’ve looked around on many sites for some time now and I’ve seen so many good things you have done for us users and devs alike. I encourage you, to not only keep going, but to look PAST all of the bad and do the most OUTSTANDING you can do. Not by just releasing this information that you have, but by going the extra mile, and helping out the people here that ACTUALLY want you to be here in this.
Please. For all of us.
You can put the jailbreak 4.00 online thank you bye
I think part of the hate is, is saying OH I HAVE A JAILBREAK AND I’M NOT SHARING IT. I understand it’s his work but it just seems like he’s teasing us with it :X
You are the best Kakatoto!
Keep on going KaKaRoTo! Your blog posting and attitude towards the ‘scene’ is very good, I like that. I’m not a hacker in it’s truest sense as I have been working on Gentoo Kinux for long time and I have no expertise how to exploit consoles.
I love your work as well as Maths and Fail0verl0ws etc.
I see bright future for PS3 hackers. You’re a pioneer at the moment, at least in that regard that you have said jailbreaking can be done (kind of). Others will follow and they will patch hypervisor and put out signed playstation update packages, but you’re the dude that spoke about exploit first (and maybe released it).
So first one is first always and he must be honoured as the founder. I think same goes with Geo, although there was lot’s of dispute (?) but in public he was the pioneer…
A developer who knows of ingratitude, but I think for the few who still generate hate it because children in the ‘soul, is not in the scene right to penalize those who have contributed in making our beloved console much more functional, thanks so Kakaroto, Gehotz, Mathieulh, Kmeaw, Deank, Hermes, Waninkoko, and all others who in recent years committed themselves unstintingly.
So I think personally balance must isolate the scene by cleaning of these hateful and disreputable children, ensuring a healthier environment so that Dev did not receive more of the injuries so free, you speak of what has been done to his cousin Mathieulh trans.
Also ask the developper of the most respected even if in disagreement.
Thank you for what to Kakaroto done to allow the birth of the CFW is 3:55 if you ever wonder if the future Firmware may intercede Mathieulh, and other Dev.
I apologize for my bad English, but Italian.
Thanks for your time
I apologize for a mistranslation Mathieulh in my previous post as the “trans” was to be Mathieulh “transalpine” cousin Mathieulh
WHAT! Mathieulh isn’t sharing AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN? I’m in shock at this unforseen turn of events. We should definitely praise him.
All normal PS3 owners support and hope that kakaroto, will continue his work and bring it to the end.
Russian PS3 scene always supports you.
Good luck and best wishes.
hi guys,
one thing that I think you should keep in mind is that we speak much more when we are angry than when we are happy, that’s why I think that the big majority is grateful to you and really respect your work.
so sorry for not being enough talkative about our gratefulness, so cheer up and keep going, you have all our support.
I hope I have expressed the feelings of the silent majority.
sorry for my bad english.
Ciao kakaroto sono un utente del forum Moddingstudio.com, noi di MS siamo molto grati a voi DEV per la scena ps3 che continua ad evolversi, nel forum i commenti sono molti sulle News che riguardano i tuoi post su twitter, ovviamente ci sono utenti che la pensano positivamente e utenti invece no e credono che forse avete bisogno di denaro per portare alla luce un Custom firmware 4.0.
Non tutti la pensano cosi e chi segue la scena da molto tempo sa’ benissimo agli sforzi e i rischi che andate in contro senza ricevere nulla in cambio a parte chi ha donato, ma credo che siano in pochi.
Ho letto sugli insulti fatti a Mathieulh e personalmente non posso pensare che ci siano persone cosi stupide; da prendersela con i DEV che lavorano per noi, per il resto posso dirti che noi del forum Moddingstudio.com siamo orgogliosi che siete tornati sulla scena e attendiamo con ansia una vostra prima release e vi chiediamo di continuare di questo passo, non siamo tutti in grati li fuori!
Un sentito grazie da tutto lo Staff e gli utenti del forum Moddingstudio.com
Congratulations to you and Mathieulh Kakarot, I hope you can continue to advance, do not connect to Mathieulh criticism from some people, we are very thankful for the work that is developing, I would like to be part of it, but really just to get you something, I do not know where to start, support you, help us, and thanks for the effort they are making vlw a hug ..
Wish you all the best Kakaroto! I hope that you will finished what u have planned.
Personally i need your jailbreak for installing showtime, my wife really like it because it lets u play movies with subtitles.
Im gonna be honest i had my ps3 on 3.55 and what i have notoced is that having all these pirated games on ur hdd dosent give u so much fun and pleasure.
Its way much different experince when u buy a game and try to complete it because u paid for it.
Fingers crossed for your sucess with helping us to get our ps3 jailbroken again!
KAKAROTO, Man, im so gratefull for your help, because you gave us a hope, Man PLEASE don´t forget us the gratefull ppl, ppl who are far far away of have that kind of knowledge… Man Please let´s try to calm down things, is not posible that now that Mathieulh is so angry and there is nothing we the good ppl can do…. We were waiting to run your homebrew games this Christmas but it seems that fu**rs win (the haters) and now what???? im sooo sad i would like to say all those haters THANKSSS FOR MAKE MY LIFE A LITTLE MORE SAD and to you Kakaroto you can do whatever you want and only thing i can say is thanks for try at least.
I think we are waging a war, a war against the greed corporations, this is a mental war is the war of the knowledge… they think because they hire expensive programmers to keep their consoles jailed and keep making profits from unfair things we are going to just sit and wait… well the only ones who can help that figth are hackers, i could have all the will to do it but im not able, i don´t have the skill, the knowledge… this is many of us, people with the will but with no skill whatsoever programming…. so please don´t let us down with this, is so hard to have someone with that kind of skill please let´s overcome this problem, let´s try to be together as “el pueblo” should be we are not the corporations we are el pueblo and sadly that includes the haters but just ignore them, we are more than them, let forget this sad episode and continue…
Well if he wants or no share the method to the scener is decision of him, but is sickness the quantity of persons who are posted many insults about the sceners, I wanna have a solution early but i do not understand anything about the PS3 topics, I going to only wait for a solution, but is not a solution insult the person who works in a solution for everyone.
I guess the only hope for the 4.00 Jailbreak have gone up in flames.. oh well.
Kakatoro, can’t wait for your release. Keep up the great work!
The interwebz is full of tough guys, big mouths, and losers. Remember the flamers are in large just a bunch of lonely, depressed, sad, pathetic, never kissed a girl losers.
Before you get super offended math, remember where these flame are coming from. they have nothing on you, give them something and they will turn coat and kiss your ass. these people can be bought and sold for nothing and in real life, the are the ones who are being shit on.
You deserve better that this, we know it. You have done an enormous amount for the scene, but all people will remember you for is the teasing about 3.56.
You owe them nothing Math, but you owe yourself better than this legacy.
Release it, then walk away and move on to bigger better things and people will love you for it. After all it is what you want, the hate got to you so would the love.
No one says shit about kmeaw, this is why.
Personally if it wasn’t for you and the other dev’s I would of probably sold my PS3 and stayed on PC (Easier Modding). Don’t listen to the hater’s there NOTHING. I look at some comment on other sites calling good people like yourself trolls and other stuff so I say to them “If he’s/she’s a troll why are you searching for this website and putting hate comments?”. KaKaRoTo you are a total LEGEND and myself and many other’s on the scene agree with this. I know one person doesn’t make a difference but I have respect for you. Personally if I won the lottery I would donate at least a million to you to keep up the work. -Connor
Can’t wait to see a release in the future. Can’t wait for some nice hombrew. But I would like to say thanks to all the dev. I check your twitter everyday hoping just maybe a release came out XD But I appreaciate all the work you guys do. Even if Math don’t share, I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t want to share to people who don’t give a crap. But were not all like that. There’s still allot of us who do care and appreciate all the hard work you guys do in your spare time. Good luck on all your work. Hopefully Math will cone along and help out. But rather way thank you Kakarotoks =D
1.) You know what i agree with him to, Its a shame people can do that and cause everyone else to lose out.
2.) I really appreciate all the hard work and effort put in by you and other devs keep it up :D.
3.) it works for the latest firmware to date that’s great cant wait if its going to be released.
4.) I have a sata cable for my ps3 hard drive to connect to my computer now theirs a rumor u can disable the lock on it or something using linux ubuntu or somthing so you can edit, move or add any file to your ps3 hard drive now can you help me with this please save me buying a ps3 under 3.55 to JB.
would really appreciate your help 🙂
i want to know it is a homebrew or i should by some hardware like true blue or something else
Kakaroto ha scritto sulla sua pagina di Twitter
KaKaRoToKS: I will still release, it will just take a lot more time if Math doesn’t share
Non abbiamo fretta! abbiamo atteso cosi a lungo che qualche altro mese non ci puo’ fare ne caldo ne freddo, intanto colgo l’occasione per ringraziarti a nome di tutta la comunità di Moddingstudio.com vienici a trovare sei il benvenuto!!
Keep up the great work!!!!!
May the Force be with you 🙂
السلام عليكم يا صديقي كنت اقول لكم ان stien يسرني جدا مع عملك ومازالت كبيرة أشكركم جميعا على عملكم إذا كنت يمكن أن تجعل لي مصمم الداخلية التمتع عملك على تويتر صورة بلدي والأخضر السلام عليكم هاك صديقي والمتعة تستمر على النحو شعبها مثلكم وصديق لكم موقع جدا أشكر لكم لكم جميعا في أن تتمكن م امتياز من وجود برامج الانتهاء
So I want to play online just before you release the jailbrake for 4.00, so can I update it is sure?’
I don’t think that you can install OFW 3.7x to OFW 4.00 and then install CFW 4.00 from there.
But again I’m a total newb.
Hi man i hope that you an mathieulh could be a good team. cheers from Mexico
hey anyone there . does kakarot have a facebook page?
Yeah ok… THAT day is coming… The day that you will say “Enough with the haters… I am stopping the project”… We know now… We don’t hate Mathieu or you… We hate the lies.
please give me a guide to downgrade my ps3 from cfw 4.00 to 3.55 pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ……. please give a working way….
Keep having fun, that’s what matters most. Don’t pay attention to the lamers/haters; most of them are probably kids or idiots, but all in all: people not worth the attention they’re now getting.
Know that a number of people such as me are just impressed/envious by/of the technical skills you have and how impressive what you have achieved is.
I’d love for a hackers community to be built in the open, with as goal to share that knowledge and promote hacking to the masses. Maybe my vision is biased, but it looks to me like everything happens in the dark and that there’s no central point where hardware hacking can be learned. Of course for someone that is motivated enough, resources can be found to learn the various aspects, but that’s not the same as having a real, strong, open community. Too few people actually get the incentive to learn the stuff or even realize that these skills can be acquired and not only through engineering schools.
Well, my idea may not be well expressed, but I hope the message gets through.
Anyhow, thanks again Kakaroto, Matthieulh, …!
Hello Man,
Thx for all the good work you guys did in the PS3 scene!!!!!!
You are the best!
Cheers from Belgium!
Developers are the most beautiful people…
They are committed to us, are struggling for us, for us to win …
The beauty of having a console is try what the developers produce.
Thank You very much Kakaroto and Mathieulh! You are the greatest people for us!
Thank You!
MathieuLH you’re just another scene’s guy with God complex and Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Believing that you’re the best
Believing that no one deserves your empathy (your CFW)
Thinking that you are the center of the world (but in fact just the center of a scene that doesn’t exist)
Enjoying and playing with dummies’s hatred to justify your complex (“Yeah, it’s one of these moments when I start grabbing popcorn, The ps3hax forums are quite the fest”)
NOTHING…. keep enjoy your passion in your backyard, stoping the teasers will stop the haters. I assure you that everyone will feel better … Especially you:)