PS3: Registry viewer and PDB generator

Hi all,

Here’s a quick post to share these small tools I wrote.

First, there’s  a .pdb file generator, it’s useful to install demos, I wrote this 6 days ago, but didn’t want to release it, I didn’t want people to use it to pirate PSN games, but it turns out it only works for demos… Even if it installs full retail games, they won’t run because you still need a license to run them. Also, two other people released similar tools (but much better, with more customization, good UIs, etc..) so I don’t need to keep this to myself anymore!

Second is a registry viewer! The /dev_flash2/etc/xRegistry.sys file contains a lot of interesting stuff, mostly your user settings, but it also contains some settings that you cannot change through the XMB (like QAMode or debugSoftwareUpdate, etc..). The file format is quite weird, SKFU attempted to reverse engineer it but didn’t really succeed, but thanks to Matsy who figured out how to link the keys with their values, I was able to understand the file format (most of it anyways) and write this app.  It’s just a crappy tcl/tk script that I wrote real quick! I’m really bad at UIs so I thought I’d put a quick and dirty tcl/tk script to build the UI for it.. it’s not much, it doesn’t allow you to change values, so don’t pay it much attention. Matsy is working on building a QT application to allow you to view and edit the registry values, so be patient, in the meantime, you can use this simple viewer to check out the contents of the file!

You can grab these tools (and possibly other stuff I might write in the future) from my new git repository at : They are both released under the GPL license.

On a side note, I just upgraded to firmware 3.42, so I’ll be taking a bit less active from the ps3 hacking scene for a little while, until I get enough money to buy a new (used actually) PS3. I also want to thank everyone who donated so far, so… thank you 🙂


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