Google Summer of Code Participation

Hello fellow developers and aMSN enthusiasts!

As some of you might know, this year again, we’d like to participate in the Google Summer of Code program. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get aMSN as an organization, but, just like previous years, we will be generously given a slot by the Tcl/Tk community who is acting once again as an umbrella organization.

What this means is that you still have until April 10th to submit an application for GSoC, and to do so, you should go the GSoC webapp and fill an application under the organization “Tcl/Tk Community” and submit your proposal for an aMSN related project.

You can get ideas on what we’d really like people to work on by having a look at our wiki.  Don’t forget you can submit your own ideas if you wish to, but make sure it’s something we’d like to see and that it’s worth working on for 2.5 months at 40 hours/week.

Make sure you read the User Guide and the FAQ that Google has put up and don’t forget that this is just like submitting an application for a job (there is 4500$USD involved..) so you need to make sure you convince us that you are the best person for the job. Quality over quantity, and only submit an application if you know you can do and finish the project on time.

I hope we can get good students this year who will help us improve aMSN.
